acorn pancakes

A while ago tallasiandude went through an obsession with acorns and whether or not you could eat them. He collected the godawful quantity of them that fell in our yard, then cracked them (with a hammer) and cleaned off the bitter skins, and then soaked them (for a near eternity). Finally he dried them and ground them in the food processor to make a beautiful deep brown flour.

We made them into pancakes. You can do it with only acorn flour, but these are very flat like crepes and really not what you want unless you are doing some kind of hard-core survivalist cuisine. Adding even a tiny amount of regular all-purpose flour will give you the fluffier pancake texture while still retaining the slightly gritty texture and nutty flavor that proves you’re eating acorns. Which, by the way, are quite delicious.

Here’s the recipe, so I can finally throw out the piece of paper on which it’s scribbled:

1 cup acorn flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2.5 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp butter (melted)
1.25 cup milk
1 egg (beaten)