Bread and Butter Pickles

10-12 small cucumbers, washed and prepped (slices)

4 medium onions, peeled and sliced
1/4 cup salt
1.5 cups packed brown sugar
1 pint cider vinegar
2 (3″) sticks cinnamon, broken (or not)
1 tsp whole allspice
1 tsp white mustard seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp celery seeds
1/2 tsp cayenne


Place cucumbers and onions in layers in bowl or colander, each layer sprinkled generously with salt. Let stand overnight or at least an hour or so. Drain vegetables, rinse well with cold water, and drain thoroughly. Dissolve sugar in vinegar in a kettle. Add cinnamon and allspice and boil 1-2 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Add drained cucumbers and onions, and scald 25-30 minutes, over very low heat but do not boil. Spoon pickle into clean glass jars, let cool, then put on lids and store in refrigerator.

If you are super lazy, you can just divide the rinsed and drained cuke/onion into the jars, divide the spices into the jars, and pour over the hot sugared vinegar to cover. Let cool, lid, then put in fridge.

Also, you may want different proportion of onion/cucumber — that should not affect the flavor much.

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